Tuition and Fees for 2020-21

Earlier today, the Board of Governors approved the part of the 2020-21 budget that sets tuition and fees for the academic year. Due to uncertainty regarding the financial impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, the budget is being developed this year in a staged manner. Tuition and fees are being set now so that students have the appropriate information when they apply for federal and provincial financial assistance.
The recommendations for tuition and fees were developed in consultation with an advisory committee with representation from faculty, staff, students, and administration, and the setting of tuition follows our Tuition Fee Guideline.
Tuition and Fees 2020-21
This year, despite financial challenges which would normally lead to a greater increase, our tuition increase will be held to 2% for domestic and international students in all programs. The mandatory fees charged by the university will remain the same.
The goal of achieving a balanced budget while maintaining the quality of education and financial sustainability of the university are drivers for the increase.
Residence and Meal Plan Fees 2020-21
For similar reasons, residence room fees will be held to an increase of 2%. As we are determining how many students may be in residence in the coming year, meal plan fees will be set in early July.
For specific information on tuition and fees, please see .
Thank you.
Lily Fraser
Vice President – Finance and Administration