A Post-Mortem on the November US Election

January 16, 2025
A Post-Mortem on the November US Election


7:00 PM
Brian Mulroney Hall, 101

Join us for a forum titled "A Post-Mortem on the November US Election: The Dawn of a New Trump Administration," Thursday, January 16, at 7:00 PM in Brian Mulroney Hall room 101.


On the cusp of the dawn of a new Trump administration, the Political Science, Human Rights, and Communications and Public Policy Departments are looking back to examine the reasons for Trump’s electoral victory and looking forward to consider the implications of what a new Trump administration means for American domestic and foreign policy. The forum will consider what Trump’s return to the Presidency reveals about the current state of American politics and society and its possible consequences for Canada.


Drs. Tom Bateman, Laura Levick, Shaun Narine, and Joseph Masciulli of the Political Science Department will be joined by Dr. Shannonbrooke Murphy of Human Rights and Dr. Jamie Gillies of Communications and Public Policy. Each speaker will give a brief presentation, then the floor will be opened to questions and discussion between the speakers, the audience, and each other.